More information

To find out more, contact our Head of Business Improvement Nigel Johnston on 0191 566 1027, or contact us by email.

Understanding customers

Your customer service centre is the first port of call for customer requests and can be a great insight into how your services are being delivered and where improvements can be made. What has prompted the customer to contact you? Is it a result of something you have or haven’t done? What can you do to avoid unnecessary contact? While there is often the technology available to do some of this analysis, there’s not always the time, which is where Northern Housing Consortium’s Efficiency team can help.

We can help you:

Through the experience and knowledge of our members’ customer service centres, we use a back-to-basics approach to understanding demand as well as getting involved and listening to your customers, to help identify:

  • The types of requests your customers make
  • How much of that demand is valuable to the organisation and how much of it is due to service issues
  • The service areas that generate the bulk of your demand

We will leave you with:

  • Knowledge of reasons customers contact you and where service improvements could be made
  • A methodology to build that knowledge further
  • The data you need to begin looking at services which have scope for greater efficiencies
  • The tools to help you carry on measuring in the future

‘Understanding What Customers Want’ starts at £1,495 plus VAT and, as with all Northern Housing Consortium efficiency services, the package can be tailored to meet your precise requirements.