Protecting consumers in the letting agent market: call for evidence

On 1st  October 2017, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, announced proposals to address the imbalance of power in the private rented market by regulating letting and managing agents.

A call for evidence sought views on a new regulatory model and how best to protect and empower tenants and leaseholders.

The Northern Housing Consortium has responded to the Call for Evidence and you can read the response in full here.

The NHC has welcomed an approach to a more professional managing agent market and believe that, if framed correctly, there are benefits for property management agents as well as for tenants and leaseholders. We believe that regulation creates a level playing field, and will help responsible agents to not be undermined by a minority of agents with poor practice and will help improve the reputation of all.

The Government will bring forward detailed proposals early next year, following analysis of the evidence submitted.