Policy networks
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Email Member Engagement Manager Satty Rai to discuss policy networks in more detail.
The NHC continues to run regional Policy Networks focusing on policy developments and good practice solutions. A total of 92 attendees representing 54 members came together in 2016/17 to hear colleagues discuss their key work programmes and gain insight into how the sector is adapting to challenges brought about by, for example, welfare reform, legislative changes, debt recovery, and digitalisation. Policy Networks are an important communication channel for the NHC, providing an opportunity to hear directly from members and tailor engagement services around their thoughts and concerns.
Our North East Child Poverty Network Group, run in partnership with the North East Child Poverty Commission, has held regular meetings throughout 2016/17. The forum remains a valuable resource for members to hear from key stakeholders and their work in the region. In November the group welcomed Public Health England who presented on the health impacts of child poverty. Most recently, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation updated the group on their project tackling poverty in Hartlepool.