Digital tenants academy

A group of local authorities, ALMOs and Housing Associations are developing a Digital Tenants Academy, to upskill and raise awareness in tenants. The aim is to assist tenants to engage on a more level playing field with landlords either formally through scrutiny or other engagement mechanisms or informally. This will have the potential to enhance effective engagement and influence, but also a range of other personal spin off benefits for some tenants.

The plan is that the Academy will have a range of modules available, and that the content will evolve over time to remain current and to cover the issues that matter.

There are a number of LAs and HAs on board, but we would be interested to hear from any organisation interested in contributing to the Academy, either through contributions to any of the modules, resources or indeed getting involved in any other way.

If you would like to hear more, please contact Nigel Johnston, our Head of Business Improvement