Get retrofit ready!

The government has opened the window for applications to Wave 2.2 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund. This top-up fund will make available up to £80m in grant funding to help social housing landlords install energy efficiency measures.

If you’re thinking of applying, or are already working on energy efficiency improvements, make sure you put residents at the heart of plans with our free resources.

Heartwarming Homes, produced in partnership with PlaceShapers and Tpas England, will support you to communicate with, and engage residents in energy efficiency projects. Using input from the Behaviour Change Network, it will help you work with residents to overcome barriers to having energy efficiency work done. It’ll support you to build trust and put residents’ needs at the heart of energy efficiency improvement programmes. It includes practical advice, and provides a range of resources, such as template letters, videos, a step-by-step communication process, and a language style guide.

The Retrofit Self Assessment Checklist looks at ways to make sure your sustainability programme meets the needs of residents and communities. It includes real-life examples of how you can make the make recommendations from the award-winning Social Housing Tenants’ Climate Jury a reality. It can also be used to benchmark the effectiveness of your sustainability programme.