Green Jobs, Sustainable Futures

We know that recruitment and skill development is one of the biggest challenges our members face in delivering on net zero. There are not enough people with the skills needed to do the vital decarbonisation work necessary, like installing heat pumps, retrofit assessment and build energy efficient housing. Whilst the skills gap exists costs will remain high, and we will struggle to meet the ambition we all have for greener, safer, healthier homes.

But we also know that our members are doing amazing work in decarbonising their homes and creating many brilliant new jobs in the process. Jobs that might not have existed five or ten years ago!

We want to showcase the work members are doing in building the green economy and training the workers who can help us reach net zero.

Over the last two years, we have been showcasing your work in Real Homes, Real Change a collection of case studies highlighting the best retrofit projects across the North. Now we want to build a new collection of stories highlighting the brilliant new jobs you are creating!

Want to get involved?

Case study

Send us your green employment programme case study, including:

  • Background: What your net zero ambitions are, and what skills gap did you need to fill?
  • Challenges: What are the challenges you face in terms of green skills and recruitment?
  • Action: what have you done as an organisation to recruit and upskill for these positions?
  • Partnerships: Do you have an example of partnership working to help tackle the skills gap? E.g. with a contractor, school, college or university?
  • Impact: Who have you trained or recruited? What skills/qualifications do they have now? What work have they been able to do as a result?

Employee profiles

We also want to build a showcase of employee profiles demonstrating the range of opportunities to get involved in sustainability in the housing sector. We would love to hear from early career professionals or those who have recently moved into working in a sustainability-focused role.

  • Name
  • Job title
  • Background – what training, qualifications or education prepared you for this job?
  • Why did you want to work in sustainability?
  • What projects have you worked on so far?
  • What are your career goals?
  • Photo

Please aim to keep case studies between 500 and 750 words and employee profiles less than 500.

Any questions, please get in touch with James Bryson –