NHC statement on the death of Awaab Ishak

“The thoughts of everyone at the Northern Housing Consortium are with the family of Awaab Ishak. The NHC and our members were deeply shocked and saddened by his death, and the circumstances in which it occurred.

We are clear. What happened in Awaab’s case was unacceptable. Our sector has fallen badly short of what tenants should expect from us, and what our sector expects of ourselves. Awaab’s death is a wake-up call and housing in the North wants to learn lessons.

For our part, the NHC intends to redouble support for council and housing association members, helping our members share lessons learned to ensure this never happens again. We will also use every opportunity to push for higher minimum standards in all forms of rented housing. We had already called for the new Decent Homes Standard to set out higher expectations in relation to ventilation in homes, and will continue to push for an ambitious and deliverable new Standard.”