NHC / Ward Hadaway Safety in Neighbourhoods Network holds Partnership Working and Data Sharing Roundtable

This month the NHC and Ward Hadaway’s dedicated Safety in Neighbourhoods Network held a special session focussing on improving partnership working between housing providers and other local agencies.

Partnership working and information sharing are key to tackling ASB effectively, ensuring that the full extent of the issues are known and the most informed decisions can be made by key stakeholders. Doing so maximises the chance of an early and satisfactory resolution. Whilst important, it is often cited as one of the main barriers when managing ASB cases. Indeed, it is common topic of discussion amongst NHC members at the NHC Safety in Neighbourhoods Network and a priority area of focus for 2023.

At the meeting the Network was joined by Janine Green, an award winning specialist in community safety and anti-social behaviour (ASB). Janine’s presentation focussed on fostering good partnership arrangements at a neighbourhood level, in and across organisations. She discussed the practical ways members could make best use of multi-agency working from stakeholder mapping, establishing shared priorities, being proactive in building relationships, and creating a culture of accountability.

Joining Janine was Clare Paterson of CP Data Protection, a consultancy specialising in data protection and sharing. Clare gave an overarching presentation highlighting the necessary features of good practice in sharing data across organisations. Her presentation touched on the legal basis of data, the stakeholders involved in data collaboration from controllers to processors, and the agreements that should be in place between each. In understanding the key differences between data processing and sharing, organisations can ensure they are legally compliant in their activities. Overall, Clare shared with attendees the key principles behind effective data storing and sharing.

After each presentation Janine and Clare took part in discussion with Network attendees. Members discussed the strategic and operational challenges of working in collaboration with other neighbourhood agencies. A key theme was the growing importance of cross-sector working with health agencies and role of mental health and addiction in rising ASB. The Network agreed that this would be the topic of a future meeting.

The Northern Housing Consortium and Ward Hadaway’s Safety in Neighbourhoods Network is a quarterly meeting for NHC members working in, or with an interest in, anti-social behaviour and wider community safety issues. Sessions are member-led and benefit from the input of colleagues at Ward Hadaway. Come to hear good practice from within the NHC membership, presentations from key external speakers, and network with colleagues dealing with similar issues.

 To be informed of future Safety in Neighbourhoods Network meetings please request to be added to the mailing list by emailing



Janine Green ASB: https://www.janinegreenasb.co.uk/

CP Data Protection: https://cpdataprotection.com/