RSH Consumer Standards consultation

The consultation on Consumer Standards issued in July by the Regulator for Social Housing (RSH) has been largely well-received by NHC members. The consultation follows the passing of the Social Housing (Regulation) Act and outlines the RSH expectations of the standards customers can expect. Four standards are being consulted on.

  • Safety and Quality Standard– which replaces and enhances existing Home Standard
  • Transparency Influence and Accountability Standard– which replaces and enhances existing Tenant Involvement and Empowerment Standard
  • Tenancy Standard– updates and enhances the existing standard
  • Neighbourhood and Community Standard– updates and enhances

NHC members heard directly from the Regulator in an online session on 20 September and we held an in-person session for local authority members on 28 September.

We will be submitting a response before the due date of 17 October and we have been taken soundings from NHC members to inform that response. Whilst largely supportive, members would like to receive more details on compliance with some of the suggested standards. We would encourage members to submit their own organisation’s response to RSH. The consulation documents and information on how to respond is available on RSH website

Consultation on the consumer standards – GOV.UK (

If you have any comments, or are happy to share your own organisation’s response, please contact