Guest blog: Campbell Tickell – Housing an ageing society

Housing an Ageing Society

We live in a rapidly ageing society. A girl born today has a 50% chance of reaching 100. By 2024, one in four of us will be over 60 and 2m people will be over 85. Although many will start our ‘old age’ healthy and active, we will inevitably become frailer as the growth in total life expectancy outpaces the growth in healthy life expectancy. As we live longer, more of us will suffer dementia at a time when social services are at breaking point.

A good later life depends on health, financial security and social connections. Helping people to stay well and maintain independence will improve the quality of life and reduce pressure on health services. Good housing can make a fundamental difference to health and well-being. A fifth of people aged over 65 rent their homes from a council or housing association; and one-third of housing association tenants are over 65.

The housing we provide in the future needs to be suitable for changing needs as people go through the different stages of ageing. It should be attractive, spacious and well located, safe and secure, affordable, warm in winter and comfortable in summer. And as most of our older tenants will live in general needs, we need to improve the ‘90% offer’ for those not in specialist accommodation.

To prepare for our ageing population, we must be clear who the housing is for: gathering customer data in order to understand actual future needs rather than making decisions based on assumptions and stereotypes; recognising too that demand will vary between locations. This means examining population projections based on ONS, together with income levels, health statistics, tenure and social care needs.

There are over half a million sheltered homes in the social housing sector. Those with existing specialist stock need to assess its suitability. Does it comply with HAPPI standards? Are there bedsits and shared facilities? Is there lift access and communal areas for activities? Storage for large items like wheelchairs and buggies? Access to local amenities?

The options for such homes could be to continue as sheltered, convert to older person specific housing, remodel as extra care, or use for an alternative client group. Some sites could be redeveloped for general needs; some schemes will be suitable for more than one function. Adapting general needs properties would enable many to remain in their home environment comfortably and safely.

Just as important as the physical surroundings is the support for older people. This is not just professional help, but support from peers and volunteers. Loneliness is a major problem for many older people. Enabling connections between people and facilitating informal help plays a critical role in maintaining health and well-being.

In short, a great deal needs to be done, but much can be achieved at relatively manageable cost. First and foremost, we must refocus our thinking, recognise the challenge and display imagination.

Maggie Rafalowicz is an Associate Director at Campbell Tickell. For more information or to discuss this article, please contact

Next Northern Reference Panel Meeting to be held at CIH 2017

We are pleased to invite members based in/around the North of England to join us for our next Northern Procurement Reference Panel meeting. It is to be held at the first day of the Chartered Institute of Housing Annual Conference and Exhibition Tuesday, 27th June from 4pm within the main conference building.

We facilitate this informal network on a quarterly basis and we are pleased to say it provides a perfect forum for procurement professionals form our northern membership to meet, share best practice, discuss current and emerging procurement issues, and receive useful information about current and upcoming projects their peers are working on.

If you would be interested in finding out more about the Procurement Reference Panel or view minutes of previous meetings please contact Louise Chase – Procurement and Contracts Manager –

Second Procurement Reference Panel Meeting in the Midlands

The Consortium has facilitated a series of Procurement Reference Panel meetings over the last six years. This informal network provides a quarterly forum for procurement professionals from our membership to meet, help shape our framework development plan; share best practice, discuss current and emerging procurement issues, and explore opportunities for collaboration.

Following the success of the Procurement Reference Panel meeting we held in Telford in March, we are planning to organise another meeting to be held on the 6th June. We would like to encourage our membership based in/around the Midlands area which would like to participate in our next meeting to let us know as soon as possible.

There is no obligation to attend regularly and we contact the group in advance for agenda items to ensure the sessions are focused and topical each time.

The last meeting’s agenda covered a range of topics, including:


  • Should Housing Associations still be contracting authorities / Are Housing Associations contracting authorities? And subject to the Public Contract regulations?
  • Procurement risks associated with Brexit – The HCA expect housing associations to be able to demonstrate that they have considered this
  • Current projects best practice – members of the panel advised on their current procurement projects with the aim of sharing any best practice, issues or general updates they think the group would find useful.
  • Social Value in procurement and Social Value Toolkit


There are only 20 spaces available for the session which is being held on Tuesday, 6th June 2017 at Walsall Housing Group offices (100 Hatherton Street, Walsall, WS1 1AB)

Please forward this information on to any colleagues within your organisation who may be interested in attending.

For more information please contact Nicola Benson on 0191 566 1000 or by email at

TECS user forum at the CIH Conference and Exhibition 2017

One of the benefits of being our member is the opportunity to network with other members, discuss solutions to common problems, and share good practice. We are pleased to be able to provide one more networking opportunity for our members.

We will be hosting a Technology Enabled Care Services User Forum especially for those members who have contracts with Tunstall Healthcare UK under the TECS framework, on the first day of the CIH Conference and Exhibition, Tuesday, 27th June. The forums will take place within the main conference building (Manchester Central), so it is a great opportunity for attendees to visit the exhibition too.

The TECS User Forum will allow members who use our framework for Technology Enabled Care Services (previously Assisted Living framework) to come along and join the conversation – as well as to hear from suppliers about the latest developments in telecare and telehealth.

If you’d like to find out what other frameworks we offer as part of our portfolio, please visit us at our stand C40 and have a chat with us.

For further details, please contact Nicola Benson, Procurement Support Officer on

NHC Submits Consultation Response to Housing White Paper

The Northern Housing Consortium has submitted its official response to the UK Government’s recent Housing White Paper. We welcome the opportunity to engage with government to support the development of an effective housing strategy that works for all localities across England.

In shaping our response to the White Paper, we held a series of member engagement roundtables and were pleased to host the Housing Minister in Gateshead. Our response has also been driven by the ongoing work of the Commission for Housing in the North.

We recognise that this White Paper is focused on housing supply and it was never intended to be a White Paper that would capture the wider holistic role that housing can play in shaping communities, improving life chances – including health and well-being. Our responses to the White Paper consultation focuses on supply. However, we feel strongly that the White Paper should have given more consideration to the importance of existing stock and the role that regeneration can play in supporting the supply of the right homes in the right places.

Notwithstanding the omission of regeneration in the White Paper, NHC members broadly welcomed the White Paper as it demonstrated a good analysis of the challenges facing housing supply and has made useful steps towards developing some solutions.

Read our full submission here.

New Tenants’ Contents Insurance Landlord Portal Now Live

We are delighted to announce that alongside our new framework for Tenants Contents Insurance (TCI), a brand new online portal is now available to all members who access the framework.

This unique knowledge sharing online portal provides all the advice landlords need to grow their scheme and avoid common risk. The portal was developed to complement the updated Tenants Contents Insurance framework and can be used by members to share best practice, download materials and receive regular updates.

The portal includes materials such as marketing initiatives, products, ideas and innovations and provides landlords with an array of tools and advice, with everything they need to grow their scheme at their fingertips.

The portal features a ‘News’ section where visitors are able to find up-to-date information on the latest insurance, housing and procurement insights as well as relevant news articles and links. Answers to commonly asked questions and queries will be provided and explained within the ‘FAQs’ section in a bid to support our members in the day-to-day utilising of the framework. Visitors will also be able to view recent case studies provided by members who have had positive experience of utilising the scheme and to get insight into what members value the most about the TCI service.

Rachel Wheeler, Senior Procurement and Contracts Officer at Consortium Procurement said: “We believe that the portal will act as a platform for landlords to network virtually, to share their experiences of using the framework and best practice as well as to share and receive relevant updates. The portal will add on to what is an extremely successful and popular framework within our membership and we hope that the improved SIMPLE Tenants’ Contents Insurance framework will appeal to members even more.”

Please click on the link to access the new landlord portal:

If you’d like to receive more information on both the new portal and the new SIMPLE Tenants Contents Insurance framework, please get in touch on 0191 566 1000 or email us at 

Our new Framework for SIMPLE Tenants’ Contents Insurance is Now Live

We are delighted to be able to say that one more of our fully EU compliant frameworks has been reviewed and updated and is now available for members to access.

Due to the success of the expired previous framework, we have established a new and improved framework which is available until 2021. The appointed supply partner RSA Group ensures the continued provision of Consortium Procurement’s SIMPLE Tenants Contents Insurance (TCI) to our members and their tenants. We have taken into account all the feedback we have received from our members and their tenants and have incorporated it into the new framework, making it even more appealing to members.

Based on research we have conducted as part of the re-development process, we have found that a large percentage of tenants do not insure their home contents because they often find cover expensive. Under the new SIMPLE TCI framework, we have secured low premiums, and cover is available from £0,54 p per week. In addition, we now insure lower sums starting from £4,000 in a bid to encourage younger people to be more protective of their home contents and to uphold best practice.

What is more, under the updated scheme, tenants have the flexibility to pay weekly, fortnightly, monthly, and annually by four means: payment card, payment app, direct debit and cheque. One of the most important aspects of the development of the new framework was to ensure that every route for payment is covered in order to provide users with the flexibility they require. We are excited that we are now able to maximise customer experience by offering tenants on the scheme a new modern and easy way of paying their premium securely via smart phone app.

We also realise that an insurance scheme is just one of many things a landlord needs to administer. To make it as easy as possible to run the scheme, we offer a help and advice service specifically for landlords. This includes our partner RSA’s Landlord Handling Instructions, a step-by-step guide covering everything from what to do if there’s an issue with an application form, taking care of renewals or how premiums should be paid. This personal service sets us apart from our competitors and offers a huge benefit for the landlord.
Another added benefit of using the scheme is that the application process is simple and hassle-free and can be done over the phone or online.

We are also developing an online portal to allow landlords to share their knowledge and best practices. The portal is currently in the final stages of testing with our membership and will be available shortly for all landlords accessing the new SIMPLE TCI scheme.

The Tenants Contents Insurance scheme was originally designed in 1998 and has undergone significant periods of growth since that time. The scheme has proven very successful and popular with our members and their tenants and is currently accessed by 79 member organisations across the UK.

If you’d like to receive more information on the new SIMPLE Tenants Contents Insurance framework or if you’d like to be provided with an application form, please get in touch with us on 0191 566 1000 or email us at

Join us at our Drinks Reception at CIH Conference 2017

We are delighted to invite you to our drinks reception which we will be hosting on our stand C40 (the Village) at the CIH Conference and Exhibition 2017.

The drinks reception, which has now become a traditional way of finishing the first day of the biggest housing event in Europe, will start at 4pm on Tuesday, 27th June. All members, partners and friends of the Consortium are welcome to attend and make the most out of this fantastic networking opportunity. Every year for the last six years, the Village has provided a great ‘hub’ to attract large numbers of our members as well as other professionals from the housing world who attend the CIH conference every year.

The drinks reception is well-attended by exhibitors within the Village, other oranisations exhibiting at the conference, members of the Consortium as well as external delegates.

The team would like to thank Retinue Solutions who will be sponsoring this year’s reception.

For further details, please email or ring 0191 566 1017

Visit the Village at this year’s CIH Conference and Exhibition

We are pleased to invite members to visit us at our Consortium Procurement Village at this year’s Chartered Institute of Housing’s Annual Conference and Exhibition in Manchester (27th – 29th June 2017). The event, held in Manchester Central has been a huge success with exhibitors, visitors and delegates.


For the past six years, Consortium Procurement has taken an exhibition stand large enough to accommodate 24 framework partners, and found that it provided an excellent networking platform, and was also extremely positive in generating leads and contacts for Consortium Procurement.   Due to the tremendous success of the Village we have worked again with the event organisers Ocean Media to design what we believe is an unparalleled marketing opportunity for our framework partners and members visiting us for 2017.

The Village provides a great ‘hub’ to attract large numbers of our members who attend the CIH conference every year so why not come along and benefit from this fantastic networking opportunity.

If you would like to receive more information about the Village 2017, please email or ring 0191 566 1017

NHC Releases Budget 2017 On-the-Day Briefing

With the recent publication of the Housing White Paper, the Budget was slim on changes to housing policy. That said, Phillip Hammond’s first – and last – Spring Budget contained significant new commitments including £2bn for social care over the next three years, changes in National Insurance Contributions for the self-employed, and new initiatives on education and skills.

Read the NHC’s full on-the-day briefing here.

The Chancellor’s announcement that Government will press ahead with recommendations made by Lord Sainsbury on T Levels represents a huge change in government policy on education and skills. This, combined with the Government’s drive to increase apprenticeships, represents a new and growing focus.

One of the biggest takeaways from the Budget is that the Government are prioritising White and Green Papers on issues including social care, consumer rights and tax simplification. This would suggest a blockbuster Autumn Budget 2017 for which, naturally, the NHC will be preparing an on-the-day briefing.